8th World Congress on Particle Technology
(101c) Validating the Conductive Heating Time Scales of Particles in a Rotary Drum
Most recently, Emady et al. [7] identified three relevant dimensionless time parameters, which depends on the particle properties and operating conditions, for conductive heat transfer from the drum walls to the particle bed. The three-time scales are: 1) the thermal time constant, Ï, which is the characteristic heating time of the particle bed; 2) the particle thermal time constant, Ïp; and 3) the contact time between the particle at the wall and the wall, Ïc. A regime map was developed showing the relationship between the ratio of thermal time constant to contact time, (Ï/Ïc), and to Ï (Ï is the ratio of particle thermal time constant to contact time, Ïp/Ïc). These time scales help in predicting the total time taken by a bed of particles to reach the target temperature. By calculating Ïp and Ïc from the material and operating parameters, the characteristic heating time, Ï, can be predicted a priori.
In the current work, the effect of rotation speed on heat transfer in silica beads is investigated to validate the thermal time scales, identified by Emady et at. [7]. Experiments are performed using polydispersed 4 mm diameter silica particles to investigate the heat transfer mechanism inside a 3-inch radius and 3-inch long stainless-steel rotary drum. It is observed that the ratio of thermal time constant, Ï, to contact time, Ïc, increases proportionally to Ï. Also, DEM simulations were conducted using MFIX-DEM, an open source multi-solver suite to verify the applicability of the developed regime map to monodisperse particles.
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