12th Southwest Process Technology Conference
(3c) CHP, Energy Resilience, and Grid Reliability
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) is a clean, flexible, robust on-site generation technology. With CHP an organization can improve on-site power resilience, thereby reducing business disruptions, while at the same time reduce overall power costs. Further, CHP does not only providing on-site benefits, but also can support the entire power grid through the provision of ancillary services, load shedding and shaping, and power export, as well as supporting grid-wide renewable energy integration. Many of these services are particularly important in locations with grid congestion and price volatility. Join the US Department of Energy's Southcentral CHP Technical Assistance Partnership team, Dr. Carlos Gamarra, P.E. and Dr. Gavin Dillingham, to discuss how CHP can significantly improve energy resilience and grid reliability through strategic, flexible operation of the CHP plant. Further, learn how CHP is becoming the go to resource to support renewable energy integration in both on-site microgrids and the power grid.