10th AIChE Southwest Process Technology Conference

(3b) Advanced Steam System Optimization for Reliable and Efficient Production


Risko, J. - Presenter, TLV Corporation
Steam is the most efficient source of low cost heat for manufacturing, and it is inconceivable to imagine industry as it exists today without this critical asset. So, if an expected goal is to optimize production, a logical question is, “How can production be optimized if the heat asset, steam, is sub-optimal?”. That question tends to focus attention to steam’s importance, with the realization that this valuable asset is commonly not proactively managed. Invariably, even some negative memories might come to mind, such as; a heat exchanger not meeting process targets, turbine reliability issues, an uncontrollable or extinguished flare, wet catalyst, steam header or condensate return damage. There may be multiple items to avoid in the future; so how can steam be optimized for both Production and Risk Mitigation?

This presentation explores a Best Practice, 3-phase method for optimizing a steam system and its equipment, including steam balance opportunities. Additionally, it provides a correlation of steam system reliability to the management of the trap population-according to the risk mitigation principles of API Standard 581.