9th Southwest Process Technology Conference

Axial Dispersion in Fixed-Bed Reactors from Numerical Analysis


Tourani, C. - Presenter, Siemens PLM Software
Jurtz, N., Technical University Berlin
Waldherr, P., Technische Universität Berlin
Eppinger, T., Siemens Industry Software Gmbh
Aglave, R., Siemens PLM Software
Kraume, M., Technical University Berlin
Transport processes in packed reactors have transient behavior (e.g., adsorption, desorption, or Chemical-Looping) [1]. For reactors with a low tube-to-particle diameter ratio, particle resolved CFD simulations have been used extensively in the last years to accurately predict the steady-state conditions (see [2], [3] and [4]).

Simplified models rely on effective parameters like the effective thermal conductivity, the heat transfer coefficient, and the dispersion coefficient. A work flow based on particle resolved CFD and particle tracking is proposed to determine axial dispersion coefficients in fixed-bed reactors that can later be used in simplified models.

The effect of the bed morphology, Reynolds number, axial position, and tube-to-particle diameter ratio is thoroughly investigated.


[1] Adams et al. (2009) Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 34, 8877-8891
[2] Wehinger et al. (2015) Chem. Eng. Sci., 122, 197-209
[3] Wehinger et al. (2016) AIChE J., 62(12), 4436-4452
[4] Wehinger et al. (2017) Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 56(1), 87-99