5th Southwest Process Technology Conference

Using Statistical Analysis to Optimize Production within Energy Constraints


Young, C., TPC Group

Forecasting and evaluation of demand vs. capacity for utilities is a standard procedure for major petrochemical companies that allows them to manage costs around utilities more effectively.

Recently, unavailability of full steam generation capability provided an opportunity for TPC to gather data in a set of operating conditions that were atypical but desirable for long term operations, as well as allowing TPC to meet its energy consumption reduction targets.

This presentation describes how statistical analysis tools and concepts were used within an overall site energy optimization program to optimize production of core petrochemical products of this facility within the specific utility, reliability and environmental constraints while at the same time maximizing profitability and minimizing capital investment.

Base site steam consumption is driven by two main products and the analysis focused on these two products.  Steam consumption for maximum production limits of the two core products was evaluated to specify the operating boundaries of the plant within the constraints of maximum steam production for the on-line energy systems (boilers and power production).