2nd RCN Conference on Pan American Biofuels & Bioenergy Sustainability

Use of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems for Calculating Volume of Production, Geographical Location and Transport of Raw Plant Material 


Utilizacion De La teledetección Y Sistemas De Informacion Geografica PARA Calculo De Volumen De Produccion, Ubicación GeográFica Y Transporte De Materia PRIMA Vegetal


Scandaliaris P.; Soria F.; Fandos C. and J. Carreras I Baldrés

Estación Experimental Agroindustrial "Obispo Colombres", Av. William Cross 3150, (T4101XAC), Las Talitas. Provincia de Tucumán, Argentina




Keywords: Sugar cane - Agricultural Crop Residue (RAC) - Cogeneration - Remote Sensing - GIS


The cultivation of sugar cane, is one of the most important productive activities in the province of Tucuman, with an approximate area of 270,000 ha for the harvest 2015. Historically the sugar cane was strongly related to the fire, because harvest was done using the same burning to reduce trash and improve eficientica the harvesting process. From the decree of the Provincial Law 6,253 and its amendment, the 7,459, which prohibit the burning of sugar cane as an alternative method of harvest (except for controlled burning) it began to avoid the use of fire and increase progressively green harvesting system with subsequent maintenance of the maloja on the surface; which in turn is an effective tool to improve production, because many positive effects that this practice has on production.

Additionally the crop residue represents a large biomass potential for generating electricity. This potential is not being exploited properly, as only two sugar factories in the country are prepared to add electricity to the national grid.

From the deficient energy situation in Argentina, the idea of use of this resource for power generation emerges as a viable alternative to help cover part of the growing need of the country economic and environmental alternative.

The aim of this study was to show the ability of remote sensing, together with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to speed up the search, collection and transport of agricultural crop residues (RAC) for power generation.

For the study used remote sensing techniques, which provide information on the location and RAC tonnage of sugar cane, and geographic information systems (GIS). The integration of these two techniques results obtained power by combining various layers of information.

The study was conducted under an agreement between the EEAOC and a recognized national energy company, which is interested in the use of this raw material for generating electricity. In this conference it highlighted the methodology used to develop project.