2023 The International Congress on Sustainability Science & Engineering (ICOSSE)

The Role of Renewable Energy Technologies As an Urgent Solution for Electrification Purposes in the Areas Affected By War – Tigray, Ethiopia As Case Study


Tesfay, F. M. Jr. - Presenter, Pan African University Institute of Water and Energy Sciences, University of Tlemcen
Temanow, G. M. Jr. - Presenter, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

War leads to the destruction of electricity and water infrastructure, health centers, and education and agriculture systems. The military machines used during the war consume many nonrenewable resources such as fossils which could further lead to global warming and increasing CO2 emissions. In this context, Tigray is a region that has been affected by war since November 2020. The study is based on the role of renewable energy technologies after the war in infrastructure, education, medical and agriculture systems. The study started with the definition of renewable energy technologies and their availability. First, the available energy sources and their quality are evaluated. Then through different analyses, how the community was affected during the conflict and the energy needs are identified. The renewable sources of the area were then defined, and their potential is determined. Using renewable energy sources data, Different options and different technologies, depending on the energy factors and the renewable energy sources, were considered. A final discussion of the results was then carried out.