2023 The International Congress on Sustainability Science & Engineering (ICOSSE)

An Integrated Process for the Production of a Sustainable Solid Biofuel As a Drop-in Replacement for Coal in Power Boilers

Torrefied (mildly pyrolyzed) biomass represents a high quality renewable and carbon neutral energy source. Based on pilot and demonstration scale trials by universities, research labs, and companies, the torrefied biomass briquettes are shown to be the “drop-in’ replacement for coal in power plants. However, the inherent constituents such as volatiles and ash present in biomass and overall cost of the briquettes are challenges to the performance and economic viability of the torrefied briquettes. Integration of a xylose isolation process developed by University of Louisville prior to torrefaction is shown to improve the quality and performance of the torrefied briquettes as well as improve the economic viability of the torrefied biomass briquettes. In this presentation, we discuss the integrated process, improvement in quality and performance of the torrefied briquettes, as well as a coproduct opportunity. This work is done in collaboration with BioProducts, LLC, Louisville, KY.