2023 The International Congress on Sustainability Science & Engineering (ICOSSE)

Coffee Point Wind

Coffee Point Wind (CPW) is a conceptual 8-12 + megawatt wind farm with solar subsidy stretching from Dillingham to Manokotak along the Nushagak Coast. This particular stretch of land is suitable for capturing the coastal wind off the Nushagak Bay and would involve three Village Corporations. CPW benefits include electricity sales, renewable energy careers, education incentives, and access to gorgeous land for tribal members with an access route to a landing/boat launch near the mouth of snake river. CPW would also provide a grid tie between Dillingham and Manokotak.

CPW will require buy-in and a strong partnership between the power producer Nushagak Cooperative, and three tribal corporations- Choggiung Limited, Saguyak Incorporated, and Manokotak Natives Limited. I am currently reaching out to all three Tribal Corporations who are eligible for federal and state grants and technical assistance through the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of Energy and the Renewable Energy Fund. Nushagak Cooperative will be able to buy power from CPW and sell it to residential customers utilizing Power Cost Equalization and a Power Purchase Agreement will need to be negotiated.

The project site is entirely on Native land which increases its value as revenues will go to village corporations and ultimately back to the community through dividends. Developing Coffee Point Wind will be a strong move toward tribal sovereignty because it provides our tribes the ability to produce and deliver power to our shareholders and descendants. Coffee Point Wind can ultimately allow us to heat our homes and businesses with electricity generated from renewable energy and offer us a form of energy security.