Fluidization XVII
The Real-Life Experience of two Ph.D. Candidates in an ITN: Benefits and Challenges
TUSAIL is a collaborative project that involves 15 Ph.D. candidates across six different universities and nine industrial partners in the EU, UK, and Switzerland. Being part of such an ITN is quite a different Ph.D. path and requests to not only acquire technical skills for the research project, but also to acquire interpersonal skills to make such an international project work.
The speakers will present insights into the differences between classic Ph.D. paths and Ph.D.s defined within an ITN. They will also provide insights into the challenges of working in different academic and industrial work environments and how to benefit from them. Additionally, the speakers will give insights and some of the challenges they experienced while navigating cultural differences that arise when working as an international team.
In conclusion, this presentation provides insights into the challenges and opportunities of working in an international Innovative Training Network. Attendees, both Ph.D. candidates and seniors, will gain insights and practical tips to help everyone navigate in an international academic environment.