Fluidization XVI
A Novel Method for Gas to Particulate Mass Transfer Measurements in Fluidized Beds
This paper presents a novel method to measure the mass transfer between the gas and particulate phase in laboratory fluidized beds, which is based on the bed resting on a high-precision scale (±0.01 g). The scale can monitor the mass gain of the bed, initially consisting of dry silica gel particles, while fluidized by humified air. From the sampled signal of mass gained by the bed due to moisture adsorption by the silica gel particles, mass transfer coefficients can be calculated with different spatial resolution and compared for different operational parameters. This represents a novel, accurate and non-intrusive method to measure mass transfer in fluidized beds, which makes it possible to determine mass transfer from the gas phase to beds of active particles (e.g. oxygen carrier particles in a fuel reactor of a CLC unit) and to active particles (fuel particles) dispersed in an inert bed.
Application of the method proposed in this work shows that with an increase in fluidization velocity, the mass transfer between the gas and particulate increases, reaches a maximum and then decrease. This is due to the change in fluidization behavior with increased velocity where the bed enters different bubble regimes, which will be discussed in the paper. Further, the mass transfer is reduced with increased bed height.