Fluidization XVI
Hydrodynamics of a Few Coarse Particles in a Fluidized Bed of Fine Particles
With this broad motivation, the present study thus employs Radioactive Particle Tracking (RPT) studies in which the coarser glass beads (2 mm) are tracked in a matrix of fine (~0.5 mm) glass beads in a binary fluidized bed (0.10 cm in ID). This in effect mimics an actual bed of fluidization of coal in the sand in a laboratory scale facility. Although several techniques have been implemented in the past, based on the principle of tracing the path of a single radiotracer particle, RPT remains a popular velocimetry technique [1, 2]. In order to effect such a study, it was planned to conduct the measurements in a mixture of particles of known distributions wherein a marker 46Sc tracer was used as a solid tracer to track the coarser fraction of glass beads (2 mm). For the range of superficial velocities studied (2.97- 4.24 m/s), and bed composition (10- 50 weight % of 2mm glass beads) it was found that the bed composition did have a strong influence on the occurrences of solids in the bed. Further, the instantaneous tracer locations showed that it ensured an unbiased scanning of the entire test section. Also, the mean velocities revealed two distinctive zones â a high-velocity region around core while relatively lower velocity towards the wall. Detailed analysis of the results will be discussed in the final presentation.
[1] Upadhyay, R. K., & Roy, S. (2010). Investigation of hydrodynamics of binary fluidized beds via radioactive particle tracking and dualâsource densitometry. Can. J. Chem. Eng. 88(4), 601-610.
[2] Roy, S. (2017). Radiotracer and particle tracking methods, modeling and scaleâup. AIChE J. 63(1), 314-326.