3rd Enterprise and Infrastructure Resilience Workshop
Integrating Uncertainty Quantification in Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability (RAM) Analysis in the Conceptual Stage of Chemical Process Design
Traditional analysis of a proposed process design uses average input values in the performance assessment model, thereby generating single-point estimates. The resulting estimates ignore reliability, availability, and maintainability (RAM) considerations, or assume a fixed value based on prior experience. As a result, a probabilistic view of the impact of equipment unavailability on process profitability is not considered. Recent works have proposed a financial framework for incorporating safety and sustainability considerations in the analysis of proposed designs. Based on this research, we propose a framework to integrate RAM aspects during the conceptual design stage in a probabilistic manner using Monte Carlo simulation. Subsequently, full distribution profiles of key process performance indicators are generated, including system and section availability, annual net profit, and return on investment (ROI). Probabilistic characterization of equipment availability also facilitates the prediction of potential safety and sustainability issues, as more frequent process upsets may result in increased flaring and other potential negative consequences. A modified availability metric, using restoration instead of repair times, is used in this work to incorporate recovery, a key aspect of system resilience. A propane dehydrogenation (PDH) process system is used to demonstrate the application and benefits of the framework. The proposed approach allows designers and decision-makers to comprehensively assess the impacts of equipment RAM characteristics on process availability and economic performance.