4th Engineering Cosmetics and Consumer Products Conference

Potential of Recombinant Proteins Made By Biotechnology in Cosmetics


Collagen and its derivative proteins have been widely used as a major compound for skin care products as a natural ingredient and moisturizer. Most commercially available collagens are animal-derived collagen type I and other forms of collagen, such as type III collagen, are far less prevalent in animals, making extraction and purification extremely difficult and expensive. We report the production of a 50 kDa protein produced in yeast that is 100% identical to the N-terminus of the human type III collagen. This recombinant protein has a larger molecular weight than most incumbent recombinant collagen proteins available for personal care applications. We have managed the industrialization of both the fermentation and purification processes to produce a final recombinant protein product. This final protein product was shown to be safe for application to human skin and compatible with common formulations. This recombinant collagen type III protein was also shown to uniquely stimulate collagen type III production and secretion by primary human dermal fibroblasts. The unique combination of biostimulation, compatibility with beauty product formulations and demonstrated commercial production, make this novel recombinant type III collagen a good candidate for broad application in dermatology and in cosmetics.

Two clinical studies have been performed to evaluate the interest of the Bio-Coll@gen in anti-ageing with instrumental quantification of the collagen content, the barrier function and the skin density. In addition the clinical experts have scored the improvement of different parameters and the satisfaction of the consumers has been investigated with a questionnaire at different periods of time.