4th Engineering Cosmetics and Consumer Products Conference
Glycolipid Biosurfactants Show Potential to Positively Impact the Skin Microbiome
Biosurfactants, which are known to have targeted antimicrobial activity and be mild on the skin, make excellent candidates. This study looks at combinations of primary and binary glycolipids against representative organisms. Time-kill experiments were conducted using Staphylococcus capitis and Escherichia coli for gram positive and negative bacteria, respectively. Within 20 seconds, the population of S. capitis was reduced by nearly 50%, and after 10 minutes it was further decreased to 5%. Thus, the blend of glycolipids showed a strong ability to kill Gram-positive bacteria. Gram-negative bacteria, which are commonly more resistant to stressors, showed a greater vulnerability to these glycolipids. When tested against E. coli, the biosurfactant combination diminished the population by 95% within 20 seconds and after 10 minutes the viable cell count was 0%. These results show strong effects against potentially antagonistic bacteria located within the skin microbiome. Based on the efficacious antimicrobial effect that was observed, the application of these glycolipids in the cosmetics industry would have a clean influence that aids the microbiome.