2023 Center for Hydrogen Safety Europe Conference
Multhyfuel Project for a Safe Implementation of Hydrogen Refuelling Station in a Multifuel Context : Midterm Achievements
The MultHyFuel Project, funded by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership, aims to achieve the effective and safe deployment of hydrogen as a carbon-neutral fuel, by developing a common strategy for implementing Hydrogen Refuelling Stations (HRS) in a multifuel context. The project contributes to the harmonisation of existing regulations, codes and standards (RCS) by generating practical, theoretical and experimental data related to HRS.
This presentation describes the goals and expected results of the project with the methodology followed by the project through the description of the different steps, work packages and the preliminary results of some activities already achieved such as the states of the art on technologies and risk assessment (preliminary and detailed).
The main results presented are the following :
- Three configurations of HRS in multi fuel context studied with different modes of supply of hydrogen (high-pressure storage (trailers or bundles), hydrogen production by on-site electrolysis, and stationary liquid hydrogen storage) and different operating conditions of the dispenser - i.e. flow and pressure - but only dispensing compressed gaseous hydrogen.
- A previous H2 and conventional fuel facility incident review to formulate lessons learned
- Identification of critical scenarios on H2 dispensers
- Preliminary recommendations of safety barriers for H2 dispensers
Finally, the experimentation plan for hydrogen dispenser and components is presented to complete the project and establish best practices for the safe implementation of HRS in a multi fuel context.