10th Latin American Conference on Process Safety

Incorporating the Human Reliability Technique (Petro-HRA) into the Real-Time Dynamic Risk Management Tool


Bonavita, A. - Presenter, Ocyan Drilling
Junior, C., Ocyan Drilling
Costa, V., Ocyan Drilling
Regis, G., Ocyan Drilling

Dynamic Risk Advisor (DRA) is a risk management tool developed combining two risk assessment methods (Bowtie and LOPA). This tool is a web application that aggregates information from different management systems (e.g., Maintenance, Training, Supervisory, and Digital Checklists Systems) and shows in real-time the process safety barrier health situation. Furthermore, using LOPA technique it is possible to calculate the hazardous scenario tolerability also in real time, once DRA considers the number of active, contingent, and degraded barriers. In its new version, DRA incorporates the Petro-HRA method to evaluate the Human Error Probability (HEP). This new feature helps to increase the accuracy of risk assessment, especially for industries such as drilling companies, where there are several barriers that rely on Human-Machine Interaction (HMI).