10th Latin American Conference on Process Safety

3D-Quantitative Risk Assessments for Hydrogen Installations


Hydrogen has become one of the most important alternatives for the green energy transition. Due to its high explosivity and wide flammable range, hydrogen installations must adhere to strict safety and operational standards of design and accurate consequence data is crucial to achieve this goal.

Traditionally, Quantitative Risk Assessments (QRAs) have been performed with empirical (2D) consequence model data, However, as computational power has increased over the last several decades, QRA studies using 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technology has become practical and economical. Using 3D CFD consequence data results in more realistic and accurate risks assessments, as the 3D geometry effects are considered, which can be significant for many hydrogen installations.

In this paper, the latest advances in CFD modeling capabilities for hydrogen dispersion, explosions and fires are presented, including new physical models for predicting hydrogen detonations, as well as suitable methodologies for performing QRAs using 3D consequence data.

Results include 3D CFD consequence models for hydrogen dispersion and explosions during aircraft refuelling operations, as well as a QRA analysis for a generic hydrogen filling station.