On October 21, 2016, a toxic plume emerged from the sodium hypochlorite tank in the Mod B facility of MGPI Processing, Inc. Located in Atchison, Kansas, the plant manufactured wheat starches, proteins, and distilled products. Thetoxic release occurred after a miscommunication between an MGPI operator and a delivery driver from Harcros Chemicals, resulting in the inadvertent mixing of sodium hypochlorite and sulfuric acid. The two incompatible chemicals reacted and formed a plume that containedchlorine gas. Many Atchison residents were ordered to shelter-in-place or evacuate, and over 140 people sought medical attention in response to the plume. The Chemical Safety Board (CSB) investigated the accident and published an official report detailing the release.They found a lack of many Risk-Based Process Safety elements including compliance of standards, safety competency, asset integrity and reliability, training and performance, conduct of operations, management of change, emergency management, and process safety culture, all of which were root causes of the incident.The CSB recommended MGPI updatetheir ventilation and addadditional controls,Harcros Chemicals provide more training to their delivery drivers and determine if respiratory protection is needed, and the Atchison County Department of Emergency Managementstudy the local chemical facilities and train to respond to chemical emergencies.Further recommendations should be made to MGPI, including the performance of regular equipment checks and the incorporation of labels and remotely operated valves to the chemical fill lines. Moreover, MGPI should provideadditional training to operators on chemical deliveries,provideadditional PPE for such deliveries, and audit operators on their procedural compliance.