2024 Spring Meeting and 20th Global Congress on Process Safety
(55d) FSM, FSA-4 SIS Periodic Revalidation (5 years)
FSA-4 (5 years) SIS Full Revalidation
[1] FSA, Regulatory Compliance
Why do a full revalidation of your safety system?
- To be in compliance with current and upcoming industry standards
Note: An FSM program is composed of 5 FSA Stages (gates). This document applies to FSA-4 (system revalidation).
[2] FSA, Periodic Re-assessment:
As per the current version of IEC-61511 and ANSI/ISA-S84, a periodic system re-assessment process is a mandatory part of the process owner FSM program.
The process owner must keep obvious evidence that the periodic re-assessment process was performed: assessment reports must be retained as evidence that the system meets the safety targets assigned in the FSA-2 stage.
Unless there is a change in the process documented in the OSHA-PSM management of change program (MOC), we recommend the FSA-4 system periodic full revalidation be in phase with the process ownerâs Re-HAZOP (every 5 years).
The process owner FSA team will review the work carried out on all phases of the safety life cycle that have not been covered by previous FSAs prior to the stage covered by the assessment. If previous FSAs have been carried out by the process owner or other vendors, the process owner FSA team will consider the conclusions and recommendations of the previous assessments.
[3] FSA, Stages Definition
- Stage 1 After the H&RA has been carried out, the required protection layers have been identified, and the initial SRS has been developed
- Stage 2 After the SIS has been designed, as per the final SRS
- Stage 3 After the installation, pre-commissioning, and final validation of the SIS has been completed and operation and maintenance procedures have been developed
- Stage 4 Periodically after gaining experience in the operation and maintenance phase of the SIS life cycle
- Stage 5 During the modification phase but before the actual modification activities begin or prior to decommissioning of the SIS or part of it
Note 1: Additional FSA activities can be introduced as new hazards are identified, after modification, and at periodic intervals during operation.
Note 2: The stages in the SIS safety life cycle at which the FSA activities are to be carried out were identified during the safety planning.
[4] FSA, Assessment Types
How can the FSA-4 5-Year revalidation be done by our team of experts?
- Manual Audit
- Semi- or fully automated
- Semi- or fully automated (Application Software)
- Fully automated (Application Software)
[5] FSA, Conclusion / Recommendations
As per IEC-61511 and ISA-S84, it is the process ownerâs responsibility to keep obvious evidence (i.e., record retention) that all FSA stages are documented and that the stage FSA-4 assessment process has been properly performed.
Possible FSA-4 results: (system operating)
- PASS (with recommendations)
- Go back to âprior FSA stagesâ (reiteration process)
FSA-1 (Targets Phase, H&RA)
FSA-2 (Design Phase, SRS)
FSA-3 (Detail Design Phase, Project Realization, FAT)
- FAIL (with conclusions and recommendations