2024 Spring Meeting and 20th Global Congress on Process Safety

(55br) Asset Integrity and Reliability Implementation Challenges and Failure Factors in Developing Countries

For decades, Asset Integrity Management (AIM) activities have been a part of industry’s efforts to prevent incidents and maintain productivity. The research utilized variant references to define the most common challenges and failures of AIM, in advance the research illustrated the activities, workflows, and lifecycle of an AIM, the purpose is to systematically address the correspondent challenges and failures and to avoid overlooking a major challenge or failure factor, then ultimately highlight the possible solutions and recommendations.

The technical data were gathered from the most well-known and globally used guidelines and standards. field data were gathered from interviews with knowledgeable personnel, publishment and research papers, global platforms, and forums and Questionnaire.

The research results and conclusion are concluded mainly from expert reviews, technical papers, technical books, forums, and webinars. The research supported the results with, 1) case study that addressed the AIM implementation failures in 10 production facilities belongs to one of the biggest industrial sectors in Egypt, 2) Questionnaire for an experts and knowledgeable people in the field of Asset integrity in Egypt. Finally, the research addressed a recommendation in correspondent to each failure category.

Failure to apply asset integrity management system practices will definitly increase the probability a major accident to exist, considering the PDCA cycle that represents a typical management system components, failures related to system planning could be avoided by building the AIM needs on a business case, regulatory enforcement that should be supported by spreading the culture of sustainability.

On the other hand, failures related to system implementation could be avoided by defining the Asset integrity program at the top levels in the company, assigning clear responsibilities, and empower implementation.

Failures related to performance assurance could be avoided by Implementation of an encompassing corporate Asset integrity program at each local establishment, metrics must be established to evaluate the intended compliance of the corporate MI program.

And lastly for human factors failures, AI responsibilities to be obligated in a dedicated law same as HSE in the Egyptian labor law, availing AI required resources including manning and to be linked to the facilities objectives & obligations (if considered), and train and familiarize the assigned team for AIM implementation with change management function as a key of success.