2024 Spring Meeting and 20th Global Congress on Process Safety
(55bq) Continued Operation Assurance - Utilization of a Modified HAZOP Study for Continued Operation of a Facility/Equipment Beyond Their Scheduled Maintenance
Risk assessment plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of operational assets. By identifying and managing potential integrity risks, organizations can minimize the chances of unexpected failures, enhance safety, and optimize the continued operation of their asset beyond scheduled maintenance. HAZOP is traditionally used to identify potential hazards, operability issues, and deviations from design intent in process systems. However, its systematic approach can also be adapted to assess asset integrity and identify risks related to maintaining the asset's condition, reliability, and longevity. This paper utilized a modified HAZOP, a Continued Operation Assurance (COA) study, to facilitate the continuation of service beyond the maintenance timeline of operational assets.
A systematic risk evaluation can facilitate the uninterrupted operation of assets by detecting deviations from the design intent from an integrity perspective. This paper maintains the continued utilization of unit/asset operation that have surpassed their inspection and maintenance schedule by utilizing a Continued Operation Assurance study to assess the risks and associated mitigations of the asset's continued operation.