2023 Spring Meeting and 19th Global Congress on Process Safety

(40av) A Revisiting of the PSM Approach Applied to the Assets of the Electrical System / Releitura Da Abordagem De PSM Aplicada Para Ativos Do Sistema Elétrico

The Electrical Power Systems and Electrical Industrial Systems are vital parts of industrial plants and production processes in many different areas. As evidenced in several catastrophic occurrences in industrial plants around the world, failures in electrical systems are major causers of potential losses, either directly or indirectly as
initiators of unwanted events that cause multiple fatalities, severe environmental events, major production interruptions, with the respective financial losses, imputing risks to the sustainability of companies. The occupational safety approach does not establish barriers to prevent or mitigate some of these types of events. Thus, how to enable a process safety viewpoint to the events with electrical system assets? This paper aims to provide a review of process safety management applied to the events with electrical system assets, as well as to propose the application of the RBPS-Risk Based Process Safety elements, through the development of normative standards, in order to establish preventive and mitigating barriers against the unwanted events with catastrophic potential.