2022 Spring Meeting and 18th Global Congress on Process Safety Proceedings

Sponsored Technology Workshop - Fast Track Computational Chemistry with Turn-Key HPC in the Cloud - Rescale

Computational simulation continues to play an increasingly critical role in the understanding and development of products and processes within the life sciences and energy sectors.

Huge strides and advancements in high performance computing (HPC) in the cloud have unlocked acceleration opportunities for computational fluid dynamics, computational chemistry and molecular dynamic simulations to discover new drugs, materials.

Rescale provides access to over 100+ HPC architectures in a multi cloud environment to run both open source and commercial computational chemistry, molecular dynamics and computational fluid dynamic (CFD) codes. These include Nvidia GPU Architectures to further accelerate computational studies and reduce discovery and development cycles.

In this workshop, we’ll provide a demo walkthrough of running computational chemistry codes such as GROMACS, LAMMPS on the Rescale Platform.

“Through Rescale, we were able to draw results more than 2x faster than our existing workflow, which helped us make better business decisions.”
- Jerry Maeng, Managing Director, AZothBio

“Bionano’s use of Azure on Rescale reduces compute cost for genetic disease analysis by more than 50%, compute time by 30%.”
- Mark Oldakowski, COO, Bionano