2022 Spring Meeting and 18th Global Congress on Process Safety Proceedings

(52b) Another Voice in the Room - How to Leverage Computational Knowledge Graph Technology in Risk Assessments


The business case stems from an overall lack of standardization and integration of risk assessment processes and results which prevents people from making informed decisions and having a clear picture of the health of safeguards. We are only as smart as the people in the room at the time of the risk assessment and typically we only know as much from the expertise directly associated with that facility.

Leveraging what we call our risk computational knowledge graph efforts can provide that other voice in the room. It can help us make better and faster decisions through integrating data and information that might be a critical element that might be missed. If we think about what this might mean, easiest thing that comes to mind is Iron Man and what JARVIS is to Iron Man. JARVIS is and means, “Just A Really Very Intelligent System.”] Perhaps fearing that having a sarcastic butler around would make Tony seem too much like Batman, the "Iron Man" filmmakers decided to make Jarvis into an A.I. program since, over the years, Tony has had more than a few helping him out.

This is what the Risk Computational Knowledge Graph efforts are all about... We aren't using A.I. technology to replace the facilitator or subject matter experts (SMEs) conducting a risk assessment, we are working to integrate information into another voice in that room that is would be helping out the facilitator. It provides information internal and external to the facility, company that will lead to a different type of dialogue. That dialogue is more in line with what are the differences in this scenario versus "does anyone know if this has happened here before".

How it will improve our understanding of what safeguards are in place and functioning is by informing the facilitator and team the real-time information on the hardware and human action safeguards and controls. This will help mitigate subjectivity related to likelihood and will continue to learn with the more data the systems of records (SoRs) have around the safeguards that are in place. It will also improve organizational capability (OC) and support improved competency in our facilitators.