2022 Spring Meeting and 18th Global Congress on Process Safety Proceedings
(52az) Paradigm Shift from Conventional Compliance Based Process Safety to Quality and Risk Based Process Safety.
The Safety Indicators both Leading and Lagging accurate monitoring aids to enhance the overall safety performance and continuous improvement. In the latest 3rd Party Assessment by DuPont at Fatima Fertilizer Company Limited (FFCL) Pakistan, there arise an opportunity to shift the monitoring mechanism of Existing Leading Indicators (Primarily focusing on achieve the compliance) towards Quality based leading indicators. Also it was revealed to shift the conventional process Safety model towards Risk Based Process Safety Model. FFCL carried out in depth analysis of existing leading indicators and revised them as per guidelines of American Petroleum Institute (API) Process Safety Performance Indicators for the Refining and Petrochemical Industries API-754 (Recommended Practices) and CCPS Risk Based Process Safety Indicator. The Leading Indicators (LIs) Quality closures was also incorporated in the revised LIs. The whole program was conceived and implemented in house. The Leading Indicators were segregated into Risk Based Process Safety Leading Indicators (RBLI) and Behavior based Leading Indicators (BBLI). The Leading Indicators were categorized as per there Inherent Risks, and calculation formula was also modified to ensure adequate Quality is ensured. The revision of LIs and introducing the Risk Based approach with ensuring quality has yielded very promising results with visible reduction in Process Safety Incident (50% reduction in Process Fires), Process Upset incidents (100% Zero incident in 2021) and 40% reduction in Loss of Primary Containment (LOPC) events till date.
In this paper, I will be sharing the challenged faced during the revision of Leading Indicators, how we convinced the Top management to shift towards Risk Based approach and what trainings and mechanism was implemented to ensure the relevant information is communicated down the line till shop floor level. I will also be sharing he backend calculation criteria of our Leading Indicators and how the quality of these leading indicators are monitored and ensured. In the end we will be sharing the benefits are gained, along with challenges ahead and future plans for improvements.