2021 AIChE Virtual Spring Meeting and 17th Global Congress on Process Safety
(73a) The Departure of the Undernourished Farmhand
Successful managers support, encourage, and nourish the process safety professionals tending to their process safety programs. Unfortunately, when managers pound them during their annual reviews, there can be tragic consequences to people, the environment and property. Especially when hazardous materials and energies must be understood and safely managed. Pounding will have the same result as illustrated in the farmhandâs story: frustration and ultimately turnover. The organizationâs process safety performance will most likely degrade due to lack of leadership support and commitment.
This paper concludes with an approach which has been used successfully to improve process safety performance. Our journey is to better understand and reduce the risks associated with the handling of hazardous materials and energies. An effective process safety program has a strong process safety culture and leadership (as illustrated in the farmhandâs story), effective process safety systems, and operational discipline by everyone in the organization. Feeding the farmhand and process safety professionals will help nurture them as well as the farm and process safety programs.