2021 AIChE Virtual Spring Meeting and 17th Global Congress on Process Safety
(59f) A NOVEL Configuration for Multicomponent Batch Distillation
While the dividing wall columns for continuous distillations has become quite popular, in this paper, we present the first detailed analysis of a dividing wall column for batch distillation. The mathematical model for a dividing wall side stripper batch distillation column is presented. Since there are many operating parameter combinations possible for this column, selecting the right operating parameters according to product specifications is presented as an optimization problem. This new configuration's performance is compared with the conventional batch rectifier and the middle vessel columns using two case studies related to the separation of a ternary mixture. The new column performance is significantly better than the rectifier or the middle vessel column. As the purity specifications increase, the percentage increase in profit due to the new configuration compared to the rectifier and the middle vessel increases.
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