2020 Virtual Spring Meeting and 16th GCPS

(57as) Deployment of Process Safety Management & Risk Management for Integrated Steel Manufacturing Unit


This paper describes the challenges & leanings & progress made with regards to implementation of process safety management in a integrated steel manufacturing facility. The major Process risks involved are handling hot metal & toxic gases which had a risk of explosion, fire etc. A structured implementation was carried out through Center of Excellence exercise. This involved coaching leadership team , training line function on Process safety management. Apart from PSM culture development,Process Hazards were analysed using tools such as HAZOP, Consequence analysis, Bow tie , LOPA etc.Process risk was identified & communicated to management with necessary risk reduction measures. The Center of Excellence Model will cover the following activities.

Identification of High Hazard Operations

This activity focuses on the identifying process for which the system needs to be deployed, this is based on a pre-developed checklist focusing on Hazardous chemical properties such as flammability , toxicity etc.

Developing Process Design Basis

  • Identification of Standard operating conditions & Safe Operating limits analyse their deviation & restoring the same to original condition.
  • Identification of process safety critical equipment based on failure mechanism & developing Maintenance plan for critical equipment.

Process Hazard Analysis

  • Appreciation of all process risks (Identification, Prioritization, Mitigation) using Process Hazard Analysis techniques such s HAZOP for Batch & Continuous Processes.
  • Carrying out consequence analysis for toxic gas release, fires & metal & water interaction explosions.
  • Developing Bow ties for the Major Accident Hazard Scenarios & identifying barriers.
  • Determining the target mitigated risk through Layer of Protection Analysis.

Developing Operating Procedures & Emergency Response Plan

  • Operating procedures for startup, shutdown etc were developed & operating personnel were trained.
  • Process Emergencies were identified & response plans were developed. Control room operators were trained on handling process emergencies through table top exercises.

Building Process Safety Culture

PSM culture development activities such as PSM line walks focused on asset integrity, Process containment. Process safety performance Indicators were developed for monitoring the performance with a robust review mechanism.

This deployment has provided proven results in terms of achieving good operational control in the unit along with reduction in the Process Incidents.