2020 Virtual Spring Meeting and 16th GCPS
(33a) Holy Cow, it's 2020! Now what do I do?
McCavit, J. - Presenter, JL McCavit Consulting, LLC
The original thinking behind Vision 20/20 began at a Safety and Health Division dinner in 2010. Since 2010 the concepts have been refined by CCPS and several tools have been developed. Some of the tools have helped communicate and clarify the concepts in Vision 20/20. Other tools have helped companies compare themselves to the ideas in Vision 20/20. This presentation includes success stories that have occurred as a result of companies using the tools as they strive to achieve the concepts in Vision 20/20. Most importantly, the presentation includes specific actions that can be done using Vision 20/20 that will result in a reduction in the probability of a catastrophic process safety incident in your company.