2019 Spring Meeting and 15th Global Congress on Process Safety

(66c) Cultural Cause Analysis - Mapping Process Safety Incident/Performance Data to Cultural Causal Factors


Arendt, S., ABS Consulting
Curtis, R., ABS Consulting
Cultural Cause Analysis - Mapping Process Safety Incident/Performance Data to Cultural Causal Factors

There are a variety of types of process safety performance data (e.g., audit findings, metrics, and incident/event root causes). Usually, only incidents are ever evaluated using root cause analysis techniques. Why aren’t other process safety performance events/data analyzed using RCA methods? Moreover, why aren't all root causes further evaluated to determine the human failure/factor tendencies that likely contributed to the root cause?

This paper will describe a new approach for evaluating cultural causal factors associated with Process safety/HSE performance data and provide three case studies that illustrate the value of this more complete causal analysis approach.

This approach takes process safety performance data and maps them to process safety cultural causal factors using mapping reference guides provided as an extension to typical "technical" root cause analysis tools. This approach can be applied to any RCA methodology. The cultural causal mapping uses the CCPS RBPS Essential Features of a Good Culture, the new CCPS Process Safety Culture Core Principles, and CCPS's Process Safety Leadership Traits.

Implementing effective corrective actions that address not only "technical" root causes but also cultural causes is the best approach for achieving sustainable, "drive to zero" process safety/HSE performance improvements.