2019 Spring Meeting and 15th Global Congress on Process Safety
(121b) Conversion of Low-Cost Feedstock to Petrochemical Products
The Gemini Process (Ethylene production via OCM) and Orion Process (Propylene production via OCM) provides the flexibility of producing olefins at small scale (50-300kTa olefin production) as well as large scale (>1000 kTa) and offers the ability of consuming low-cost feedstock such as natural gas, flared gas, cracker off-gas, Propane De-hydrogenation unit (PDH) offgas, refinery fuel gas etc. This enables Siluria to provide olefin expansion solutions to wide variety of existing facilities. One such product application that has gained much traction is the integration of OCM with new and existing PDH facilities. Siluria has completed multiple technology license packages with clients, including for the OCM/PDH integration. This paper will provide case studies of the product applications, specifically detailing the integration of OCM with PDH offgas for propylene production.
Siluria is also working towards multiple commercial projects, including a small-scale olefins unit primarily producing propylene in the US Gulf Coast Region. The plant will be integrated with an existing facility delivering olefins with low capital intensity and high returns.