2018 Spring Meeting and 14th Global Congress on Process Safety
(184a) Thermodynamic Modeling for CO2 Absorption in Aqueous Potassium Carbonate Solution with Electrolyte NRTL Model
Potassium carbonate has recently gained attention and is considered favorable for CO2 removal due to numerous reasons such as low economic costs and energy consumption, low volatilization and degradation and less environmental impacts compared to amine solutions. Therefore, we develop a comprehensive thermodynamic model for the K2CO3 â H2O â CO2 system using the Electrolyte Nonrandom Two-liquid (eNRTL) activity coefficient model in conjunction with PC-SAFT equation of state. Vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE), heat capacity, excess enthalpy, mean ionic activity coefficient and osmotic coefficient data are used to determine eNRTL temperature dependent binary interaction parameters for both K2CO3 â H2O binary and K2CO3 â H2O â CO2 ternary systems. The model accurately represents all the thermodynamic properties and covers a wide temperature range from 273.15 to 473.15 K and CO2 loading from 0 to 1 The model can be merged with other amine models for mixed K2CO3 â amine solutions and the model can be used for comparison with other CO2 capture chemical solutions. The model should be a useful tool in the process modeling, simulation and design of CO2 capture processes involving hot, concentrated K2CO3 solutions at elevated temperatures and pressures.