2018 Spring Meeting and 14th Global Congress on Process Safety
(129b) Flameless Oxidation for Heating of Ethylene Furnaces
Muschelknautz, S. - Presenter, TakeoffEngineering
The proprietary Technology Flameless Oxidation (FLOX) of the WS-Company in Stuttgart/Germany is successfully applied as special burners since almost 30 years in steel treatment furnaces with installed burners well above 50.000 . So far a particular advantage of FLOX is the extremly Low NOx Emissions in the range of 20 to 30 mg/nm3 at very low noise levels and with a very robust oeration even with highly fluctuating fuelgas compositions.A new approach has been taken to install such burners in cracking furnaces of ethylene plants. A good amount of prework in test furnaces has shown that the above advantages can be applied to cracking furnaces as well. While keeping the thermal efficiency of the furnace similar to furnaces with conventional LOW NOx radiant burners, resulting in identical fuelgas consumption as with conventional radiant burners. Currently a large petrochemical operator is preparing the conversion of several existing cracking furnaces to FLOX-burners. Successful installation and operation is expected to take place in the 1st half of 2018. The author of this abstract, Dr. Sebastian Muschelknautz (CEO & owner of Takeoff Engineering Ltd.) is cooperating with WS-Company. The CEO and Owner of WS-Company ,Dr. Joachim Wuenning is the Co-author of this abstract and presentation