2017 Spring Meeting and 13th Global Congress on Process Safety

(57g) Functional Safety - Pitfalls and Good Practices

The implementation of effective functional safety is valuable in ensuring that safety critical control and protective systems are appropriately specified, designed, installed and maintained. Through the International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) 61508 and 61511 suite of functional safety standards, the concepts of the Safety Lifecycle and Safety Integrity Levels (SIL) are now well known. However, DNV GL's experience from numerous projects across different industry sectors suggests that there remain challenges to be overcome.

DNV GL has conducted a number of Functional Safety Assessments (FSAs) on various electrical/ electronic and programmable electronic safety systems in the process sector. The FSAs are a mandatory element of IEC 61511 which provide an independent judgment on the integrity of the safety system and should be performed by competent independent Functional Safety Practitioners. At least one FSA must be performed on a Safety Instrumented System and should be completed prior to the introduction of hazards. Through DNV GL’s experiences in functional safety assessments this paper will discuss;

  • How to avoid common mistakes in the management and implementation of functional safety;

  • Examples of good practice in the application of functional safety;

  • How good practice can help optimize test regimes, increase plant availability and reduce maintenance workload whilst ensuring the system continues to provide the required risk reduction.