2017 Spring Meeting and 13th Global Congress on Process Safety
(57bz) Action Plan for Risk Control Prioritization through Layers of Protection Analysis of the Dock of the Petrochemical Complex Jose of PetroquíMica De Venezuela Pequiven
Petroquímica de Venezuela S.A has three principal complex, between those is found the petrochemical complex José Antonio Anzoátegui (CPJAA), located at the eastern side of the country, wish is in charge of produce fertilizers an olefins for exportation and national production. This Complex counts with a dock with three sections: Liquid platform, Urea gallery and containers load platform.
The liquid platform has the capacity of load Ammonia, MTBE and methanol through four load arms and because of the physicochemical proprieties of the substances and process variables of pressure and temperature, exist a risk condition associated. This study pretends to determinate de risk using a semi quantitative tool for risk analysis, Layers of Protection Analysis, starting with the estimation of the consequences and the probability of a loss of primary containment (LOPC) of the equipment and the pipelines of this process. Once the risk is stablished it will be compare with the tolerable risk criteria of the company to see if it is necessary to applicate risk reduction measures.
The structure for this analysis started with the study of the process, their substances and its operational variables wish allowed to defined the goals, objectives and a depth of study using the methodology of the cube of study, then the scenarios for the analysis where selected from a past hazard identification.
The probability of failure was made through the Review of Probability Theory from the Chemical Process Safety, Fundamentals with Applications,( 3rd Edition), taking in account the number of components and the probability and mode of failure of the components of each section, and its conjunction in parallel or series. In the other hand, the consequence estimation where made thought the DNV Phast Software and the technics for the determination of the impact of thermal radiation and toxic exposure, where made according to the stablish in The Netherlands Organization (TNO) standards, wish lead to the consequence of the loss of primary containment (LOPC) of MTBE, Methanol and Ammonia over the equipment and personal of the CPJAA dock.
From this point forward it was compared the risk determinate from the study and the tolerable risk of the company, then a Layers Of Protection Analysis (LOPA) was completed studding the Frequency of Unmitigated and Mitigated Consequence of each scenario, taking in to account the risk reduction factor (FRR) of each layer and allowing the determination of an Action plan for risk control prioritization of the CPJAA dock.