2017 Spring Meeting and 13th Global Congress on Process Safety
(57bk) 20 Years of Personal Process Safety Lessons
Some of the issues covered may include amine towers; anchor bolts; asphyxiation; auditing; carbon dioxide; communication and restriction; competency; compliance; culture; design temperature; dissolved versus entrained gas; documentation; drawings; driving in facility; electrical area classification and safety tagging; ESD testing; equipment vendor supplied PSVs and safety review; eyewash and safety shower; failure analysis; feedwater pressure; flare system; foundation design; gas blowby; HAZOP members and duration; heat and material balances; heat exchanger tube rupture; hydrocarbon tanks open to atmosphere; intimidation; investigation; lessons learned; limiting quantities to below PSM/RMP limits; LOPA; material of construction; mechanical integrity; NFPA 655; nitrogen; normally unoccupied exemption; nozzles; peer reviews; PHA revalidations; P&IDs not existing or being accurate; pipe codes, isos, repairs, restraints, spec breaks without PSVs, stress, supports; PPE; procedures; PSM; PSSR; PSV flowrates, fluid flow method, fluid phase, noise, incomplete analysis, oversimplified analysis, piping, reaction forces, temperature; reciprocating compressors with PSV upstream protecting the discharge; remote location exception; relief path; reporting; risk assessment; safety reviews; SIL; snuffing steam; spacing guidelines; SRU; steam; steam trap failure; stack draft; tank venting; temperature issues; transferring chemicals from buckets; unmanned exception; valve orientation; vent to safe location- flammability and toxicity; vessel repair; work sequence.
It is hoped that sharing this information will enable others to learn from the past and prevent similar issues in the future.