2017 Spring Meeting and 13th Global Congress on Process Safety

(57as) Managing Risk Associated w/ Electrical Energy Ignition Sources


Johnston, J. - Presenter, Bath Process Safety Management
In facilities that handle flammable hydrocarbons it is extremely important that all forms of potential ignition sources be carefully managed. This presentation will focus on key points associated with process electrical safety, open flame process heaters, and mechanical forms of ignition sources. OSHA 1910.119 has for many years required that hazardous area classification documentation remain in an evergreen state that requires re-certification at least once every five years. For most process facilities this OSHA mandate presents many problems. In most cases documentation has not been maintained in a current state, the facility perhaps has changed owners if not once many times over the years. The presentation attendee will be exposed to a common sense methodology that focuses primarily on minimizing electrical energy from becoming a source of ignition. A process for updating hazardous area classification documentation will be presented with tips on providing the end-user with an audit proof set of documentation. Once the hazardous area map has been developed then methods of properly documenting and conducting a site compliance assessment will be explained. This compliance assessment is a gap analysis that compares the installed electrical systems against the requirements of the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70 Article 500). Methods of presenting this documentation will be explained so the end-user has a clear understanding of the proper steps for remediation.

The presentation attendee will be exposed to the following:

  • Managing risk associated with roadways that are impinged by hazardous classified boundaries
  • Open Flame Process heaters encroachment by hazardous classified locations
  • Methodology for area classification assessment (it’s determined by the process conditions)
  • Hazard’s compliance for instrumentation and electrical system installations in hazardous process locations
  • How to interpret documentation in support of the area classification assessments which include:
    • Plan Drawings (maps), Elevations, Site Specific Details. Legends, and notes
    • Assessment report documentation that addresses General Considerations, Identification of Point Sources of Emissions, Physical properties of Materials being Handled, Processed, or Stored, and Gas Dispersion Modeling Graphs and plots
  • Methods for mathematical determination of hazard radius thru the concept of commercially available computer assisted gas/vapor dispersion modeling software.
  • Application of common standards, codes and installation practices i.e. (NFPA, ISA, API and OSHA)

Detailed handouts as well as a complete audio-visual presentation are used to supplement the presentation.