2017 Spring Meeting and 13th Global Congress on Process Safety
(53f) An Overview of Current Status of Enzymatic Conversion of Carbon Dioxide
Nguyen, V. D. L. - Presenter, Yeungnam University
Luis, P., Materials & Process Engineering (iMMC-IMAP), Université catholique de Louvain
Lee, M., Yeungnam University
Global warming and climate change concerns have triggered global efforts to reduce the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Many different approaches are considered and adopted by various countries to reduce their CO2 emissions, including improve energy efficiency and promote energy conservation; increase usage of low carbon fuels, including natural gas, hydrogen or nuclear power; deploy renewable energy, such as solar, wind, hydropower and bioenergy; apply geoengineering approaches, e.g. afforestation and reforestation; CO2 capture and storage; and converting CO2 into fuels and chemicals. Among these different approaches, converting CO2 into fuels and chemicals as an indispensable element for CO2 capture, sequestration and utilization may offer a winâwin strategy to both decrease the CO2 concentration and achieve the efficient exploitation of carbon resources. This work presents an overview of current status of enzymatic conversion of carbon dioxide and summaries some main barriers for industrial applications and future perspectives.
This study was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (2015R1D1A3A01015621). This research was also supported by C1 Gas Refinery Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning (NRF-2016M3D3A1A019132622)