2017 Spring Meeting and 13th Global Congress on Process Safety

(52b) Deep Desulfurization Guardbeds for Hydrocarbon Processing


McDowell, L., Matheson
Alptekin, G., TDA Research Inc.
Traditionally sulfur removal from hydrocarbon feeds is carried out in a two-step process: hydrodesulfurization (HDS) of the organic sulfur compounds and subsequent hydrogen sulfide [H2S] removal. The reasons to remove the sulfur are numerous: to reduce the sulfur dioxide emissions that result from using the end product; to prevent sulfur, even in extremely low concentrations, from poisoning expensive catalysts used in downstream conversion processes; and to meet new environmental sulfur regulations.in the catalytic reforming units that are subsequently used to upgrade the octane rating of naphtha streams. The industry is currently driving towards the production of materials that comply with the continual regulatory pressures to reduce sulfur in products and sulfur emissions. As a result of these requirements and industry demand, MATHESON and SulfaTrap™ have developed materials to reduce sulfur to low (ppb) levels that are often below detectable levels.

We will present data on the removal of sulfur species (such as carbonyl sulfide [COS], mercaptans [R–SH] and thiophenes [C4RxH4-xS]) from various hydrocarbon streams that have proven too challenging for the existing technologies. Currently, these sulfur species end up as sources of sulfur during processing and in final products. MATHESON and SulfaTrap™ desulfurization products are capable of removing the sulfur species in either gas or liquid phase hydrocarbons. We will describe the results of treating a range of feed-stocks with different compositions (e.g., different hydrocarbon content, moisture level, oxygen and carbon dioxide concentration, etc.). In addition we will explain the technical and economic benefits that can be achieved by implementing these products in the refining and chemicals industries.