2017 Spring Meeting and 13th Global Congress on Process Safety

(30c) Are Our Current Safety Challenges Different Than 1974 or 1984? Have Wereally Learnt from Accidents? Where Are the Gaps, What Are We Missingand Why? Learn What We Have Not Learnt in Last 40 Years, Keptrepeating the Same Mistakes


Dahiya, R. - Presenter, AIG - American International Group
Despite the extensive development in technology, a considerable reduction in process safety accidents was expected, but slight improvements are realized. If we look back 50 years, no doubt, the likelihood and severity of consequences for majority of accidents have reduced, however the root causes are still unchanged. So, it is worth debating that why do we keep repeating similar accidents in spite of using latest tools, techniques and learning.

The presentation will cover what has changed and what not over last 50 years. The author will discuss the practical examples about most common gaps, current safety challenges, and most needed process safety improvements to eliminate the learning gaps and prevent the recurrence of accidents. The role of good safety culture and information flow between management and shop floor will also be discussed in relevance to accident prevention.

Several methods and techniques will be presented to identify the opportunities for improvement and tips for effective implementation during design and operating stage of the facility. Emphasis will be given on prevention than mitigation by applying hierarchy of control.

Presentation will conclude by explaining how a robust management system, committed management and motivated employees play a vital role in preventing the recurrence of accidents by eliminating the root causes.