2017 Spring Meeting and 13th Global Congress on Process Safety
(165b) Converting Propane and Butane (LPG) in to High-Value Products
Shale oil and gas operations in North America generate abundant and low-cost supplies of LPG. At the same time, high production levels of shale oil and gas have created market niche opportunities for high-octane gasoline and low-temperature diesel blendstocks.
The industry has long contemplated the combinations of technologies to convert components of LPG, propane and butane into gasoline and diesel blendstocks. However, prior to the advent of high differentials between oil, gas and LPG, these combinations did not make economic sense.
These processes should be updated with advancements in the individual technologies and advancements in the process intensification, as well as adapted to the market requirements by simplifying separations. The resulting processes represent additional high-value and high-volume outlets for low-cost North American propane and butane.