2017 Spring Meeting and 13th Global Congress on Process Safety
(157b) Impact of Light Tight Oils on Distillate Hydrotreater Operation
The production and processing of LTO crudes is relatively new (< 5 years), whereas Asia Pacific conventional crudes that have similar qualities (when compared to LTO crudes) have been in production and refined for many years. In addition, West African crudes have been displaced from U.S. refiners and replaced with LTO crudes. Therefore, a comparison of LTO, Asian Pacific, and West African crude distillate qualities presents a possible mechanism to provide operating and product impact insight for hydrotreaters in LTO processing facilities. A US conventional crude was also selected and serves as a marker crude.
This presentation provides some high level impacts of LTO processing on a facility, and then uses a kinetic model to highlight the unit specific impacts that can occur. First, a feedstock quality comparison is performed to understand the key differences of the kerosene and diesel fractions of LTOs. Then, a kinetic model is used to simulate how a typical hydrotreating catalyst load responds to the different feedstocks. Finally, cold flow property management and other potential operating concerns are discussed, including possible mitigation options. When properly managed, LTOs provide a unique opportunity for refiners to supplement their existing crude basket.