2017 Spring Meeting and 13th Global Congress on Process Safety

(154b) Advancing Asset Integrity in Chevron Upstream


Delpero, P., Chevron
The presentation will describe efforts Chevron Upstream has taken over the past decade to improve performance on Asset Integrity (AI). The Asset Integrity process within Chevron goes beyond the classical mechanical integrity programs and covers all equipment types and equipment layers of protection. Quantitative risk analyses and HAZOP/LOPA studies identify key layers of protection or safeguards necessary to be in place in order to reduce the risk in an identified high consequence scenario. These include both preventive and mitigative layers of protection using bow tie analysis techniques and leveraging existing process hazard analysis studies. The Asset Integrity programs implement various inspection and maintenance strategies to maintain the functionality of the safeguards throughout the operational life cycle.

An important element of an Asset Integrity Program is for front line operations personnel to have a clear understanding of the identified hardware safeguards and to have an active role in the ongoing verification that the identified safeguards are in-place and functional. Verification and audit programs related to Asset Integrity must be targeted and focused to ensure that the safeguards are in place, functioning and effective for LOC prevention and mitigation. The methodology describes a systematic approach to develop and operationalize plant and field based AI verification programs, to effectively manage the key safeguards through their full lifecycle.