2016 AIChE Spring Meeting and 12th Global Congress on Process Safety
(65av) Beyond Quantitative Risk Analysis Results - Part II: Fires and Domino Effect Characterization
Part II of this paper is focused on illustrating how a detailed analysis of QRA results can provide valuable information for characterizing potential domino-effects due to thermal radiation of fires at a given location. The analysis gathers three key sources of information: (1) thermal radiation as a function of the cumulative frequency of occurrence; (2) total number of LOCs which contribute to the impact of fires; and (3) the identification and characterization of each LOC scenario and associated individual frequency of occurrence. This information not only is valuable for ensuring the heat radiation for a subsequent analysis intended to estimate the TTF and associated conditions remaining in the system (e.g., Wall Dynamics Analysis), but also provides specific information of which LOCs contribute most to the heat radiation impacts. This information ensures which LOC scenarios need to be addressed for optimizing the risk reduction decision-making process. Additionally, the accurate estimation of potential equipment failure due to thermal radiation provides added value for predicting when and how impacts such as BLEVEs (Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosions) are expected to occur.