2016 AIChE Spring Meeting and 12th Global Congress on Process Safety

(63q) Formal Modeling of Accidents and Automatic Generation of Tutoring Scenarios for Intelligent Safety Training of Process Operators


Yoon, E. S., Seoul National University
With the emphasis of accident-free operations and prevention of catastrophic events, safety-training demands for the chemical plants have been on the increase globally. However, the research results on modeling of accidents and involving human operators and the advanced theory and technology for (safety) operator training have been shared limitedly among domain experts and commercial developers. Even with the recent trend of simultaneously delivering the operator training system with the construction of a new process plant, in commercial operator training systems (OTS), safety training used to implement quite limited and obvious scenarios (and the burden was almost up to the trainer), partially due to the difficulty in modeling propagations of probable accidents. By the regulatory requirements or proactive investment by companies, effective scenarios for training of safety and abnormal situation management are necessary to be improved in the aspects of the size of volume as well as the training depth. Thus, considering the emergence of enhanced virtual reality technologies and inexpensive gadgets like HMD, supporting the immersive training environment, the future efficiency of the training heavily relies on the quantity and quality of safety scenarios, which would be essential in guiding the entire training process.

    In this research we first overview a government-sponsored research project developing an enhanced safety training system for chemical process operators, using haptic devices in addition to enhanced audio and visual equipment. The initial version of the system runs with a fixed set of training scenarios developed for predetermined accident scenarios. However, with a limited set of training scenarios, the trainees simply memorize and rote learn the steps, required to be mastered to proactively solve the problems with an advent of possible accidents. In addition to that, without formal modeling, the system cannot give timely feedbacks and the performance of the trainee cannot be measured in real-time. Then to enhance the contents and usefulness of the training, the knowledge of process operations is collected and systematically stored as a form of knowledge base, in addition to the accident scenarios obtained by executing Fault Tree Analysis and HAZOP study.

    By using a formal modeling language like UML and Petri nets, the accident scenarios and operators’ problem-solving tasks are modeled hierarchically and classified into distinguishable subtasks. Then a new training scenario is generated on-line through automatic synthesis based on planning using the knowledge base. Safety training scenarios are generated intelligently for the tutoring of a single operator’s job function as well as effective collaboration among a group of operators for real-scale malfunction diagnosis and intervention at the initial propagation stage of an accident. As case study, safety trainings for city gas governing stations are executed based on systematic scenario generation and analyzed for improved effectiveness and field applicability of the system. Reduction of time and cost in the training scenario production and real-time customized training based on new operator’s level of knowledge and skill are also discussed in the framework of intelligent tutoring systems.