2016 AIChE Spring Meeting and 12th Global Congress on Process Safety

(63d) Identifying Gas Liquid Contactor Performances for Optimized Natural Gas Desacidification Amines Units - from Process Calculations to Experimental Strategy


Alix, P. - Presenter, IFP Energies nouvelles
Perdu, G., Prosernat
Courtial, X., Prosernat
Amine units are widely used for gas sweetening. The absorber performances of these reactive absorption processes are typically mass transfer limited. The proper selection of gas liquid contactor is thus critical to optimize the size of towers, the solvent flowrate and the duty of the reboiler. This work proposes an approach to identify the most suitable packings for a given application.

The case-study selected here to illustrate the approach deals specifically with a CO2removal application where the sour gas is at 7 % vol, and the sweet gas specification is 2% vol. The gas flowrate is fixed at 0,18 MMSCFD with a solvent flowrate fixed at the minimum of the thermodynamic constraints (via equilibrium curves).  An in-house rate-based simulator with accessible forms of mass transfer correlations, based on a double film model, is used to calculate the absorber height and diameter which are needed to reach the sweet gas specifications. A reference structured packing is compared with standard valve trays.

The calculations show that the bed height required with the first contactor is considerably higher than with the second one while the column diameter is reduced. In this case the use of standard valve trays is more attractive for cost optimization. Interestingly, because mass transfer is accelerated, the absorption rate with the structured packing is found to be thermodynamically limited due to a more severe temperature increase which reduces the driving force in the bottom section of the absorber.

The study determined that the optimum design for the investigated case is a compromise between a full trayed tower, that generally imposes a larger diameter, and a packed tower where the higher mass transfer forces result in a temperature rise in the bottom of the tower which in turn imposes a height increase and a much higher solvent flowrate. . To determine the mass transfer characteristics  of a gas-liquid contactor providing this optimum, a sensitivity analysis has been conducted. Mass transfer parameters, i.e., liquid and gas side mass transfer coefficients and interfacial area, were varied by a factor 2 relative to the ones obtained  with the reference structured packing. Calculations show that one should use a contactor that reduces liquid phase resistance, specifically, the mass transfer conductance kLae should be increased by at least 50%. This target could be reduced to +30% if one could simultaneously reduce the gas phase conductance kGae by 20%. This result can be explained by the link between mass and heat transfer (Chilton-Colburn analogy) whereby reducing kGaedecreases the temperature level which in turn thermodynamically increases the mass transfer driving force.

The next step will be to review the literature more extensively to make a short list of pre-selected random and structured packings that best meet the targets. Experimental tests will then be run on IFPEN facilities to measure flooding limits and mass transfer parameters in a small 150 mm diameter column. This step is required to confirm packing’s behavior, considering the disparity of the values reported by different authors in the literature. The last step  is to consolidate the existing correlations for the most promising packing, and mitigate differences between various authors by performing  characterization tests on larger diameter test columns. The final correlations will be implemented in our in-house rate based simulator for industrial use.

The present approach can be applied to determine the required mass transfer characteristics for optimizing other gas treatment applications. However, the conclusions reached here as regards to mass transfer targets and the problematic temperature levels, are valid only to the present case –study, and are not directly applicable to other gas sweetening applications (selectivity, LNG, …). For example, in a case where H2S and CO2 are treated simultaneously the mass transfer limitations could be very different.