2016 AIChE Spring Meeting and 12th Global Congress on Process Safety

(63at) Optimization of Heat Exchanger Network in Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage Oil Sands Surface Facilities

Steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) is the most viable and environmentally safe recovery technology for extracting heavy oil and bitumen. It is a thermal in-situ production process where parallel wells are drilled horizontally into an underground bitumen reservoir. Steam is produced at the central processing facility (CPF) and injected into the reservoir through the wells. The steam heats the bitumen to a point where gravity allows it to flow down to the lower well where the mixture of bitumen and water is then pumped to the surface. The water and bitumen are separated at the CPF. Typically, more than 90% of the energy consumed in producing a barrel of bitumen using SAGD is used to generate the steam that is injected into the bitumen reservoir. Fossil fuels is employed in the process, which causes GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions. The usage of hot and cold utility is reduced by increased heat exchange and optimization of the heat exchanger network, which results in reduction of GHG emissions. In this work, pinch analysis is performed to minimize energy consumption.