2016 AIChE Spring Meeting and 12th Global Congress on Process Safety

(62a) AIChE YPC: The Hope to Bring the New Development of Chemical Industry with the Millennial Generation

The millennial generation has become an important engine in the development of chemical industry in the decades to come. The advance in technology and computing has accompanied their growth in the past few decades. They are the group of people who are faithful fans of Facebook, iPhone and iPad. They have also become the major talent group of chemical industry and the majority of AIChE YPC members. The dynamic nature of the industry requires all the people to pursue professional development in order to develop new knowledge. Therefore this presentation will cover two aspects: it will provide the introduction of the characteristics of the millennial generation and their impact to the current chemical industry; in addition, it will bring the open discussion on the challenge and opportunity for YPs to take the leadership in the current and future development of chemical industry.