2016 AIChE Spring Meeting and 12th Global Congress on Process Safety
(46b) Increased Stability of a Power Grid by Energy Storage of Cryogenic Carbon Capture
Previous work demonstrates the impact of energy storage on a single generation unit including the shift in the electricity consumption peak time for the CCC process [8-11]. This investigation studies the impact of energy storage portion of cryogenic carbon capture on the stability of a power grid. Load and generating plant data from 2010 is considered for the analysis of the Texas interconnection (ERCOT). ERCOT includes 96.5 GW of installed capacity with 5, 81, and 10.5 GW from nuclear, fossil fuels, and renewables, respectively. This grid-scale system is optimized using a mixed integer nonlinear programming solver (KNITRO) with GAMS on the NEOS Server. Historical data is used in this study, but data is manipulated to represent an event such as significantly high demand data or outage of a large generation unit over several time steps. It is observed that when a power generation unit goes offline, or a significant increase in the demand is anticipated, energy storage of cryogenic carbon capture adjusts the parasitic load in time to accommodate the dispatch schedule of the grid. In addition, power production from a gas turbine in which the fuel source is from the energy storage is also observed when an event occurs. Adjustment of the parasitic load of the CCC process and power production from the gas turbine result in reduced need for electricity generation from spinning reserves. Results show significant savings with energy storage of the CCC process compared to spinning reserves. Energy storage also results a more stable power grid by avoiding some potential brown-out scenarios due to sudden loss of a single generation unit or transmission line. Energy storage of cryogenic carbon capture also facilitates the transition from the current power grid systems to smart grids with larger contribution from renewable power sources [11]. In addition, management of the electricity load on the supplier side, achieved by energy storage, has the potential to be used throughout the year in which is an advantage over the residential demand response [11, 12]. The importance of such multi-functional plants significantly increases when the restrictive regulations for CO2emissions become effective [13-14].
[1] G. Xu, Y. Ping Yang, J. Ding, S. Li, W. Liu, K. Zhang, Analysis and optimization of CO2capture in an existing coal-fired power plant in china, Energy 58 (0) (2013) 117-127.
[2] A. Kang, A. R. Brandt, L. J. Durlofsky, Optimal operation of an integrated energy system including fossil fuel power generation, CO2capture and wind, Energy 36 (12) (2011) 6806-6820.
[3] S. M. Cohen, G. T. Rochelle, M. E. Webber, Optimizing post-combustion CO2capture in response to volatile electricity prices, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 8 (2012) 180-195.
[4] B. Belaissaoui, G. Cabot, M.-S. Cabot, D. Willson, E. Favre, CO2 capture for gas turbines: an integrated energy-efficient process combining combustion in oxygen-enriched air, flue gas recirculation, and membrane separation, Chem. Eng. Sci. 97 (2013) 256-263.
[5] C.-C. Cormos, Integrated assessment of IGCC power generation technology with carbon capture and storage CCS, Energy 42 (1) (2012) 434-445.
[6] A. Gopan, B. M. Kumfer, J. Phillips, D. Thimsen, R. Smith, R. L. Axelbaum, Process design and performance analysis of a staged, pressurized oxy-combustion (SPOC) power plant for carbon capture, Applied Energy 125 (2014) 179-188.
[7] Sustainable Energy Solutions Company, http://sesinnovation.com/
[8] S. M. Safdarnejad, J. D. Hedengren, L. L. Baxter, L. Kennington, Investigating the impact of cryogenic carbon capture on the performance of power plants, Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC),Chicago, IL, 2015.
[9] S. M. Safdarnejad, J. D. Hedengren, L. L. Baxter, Plant-level dynamic optimization of cryogenic carbon capture with conventional and renewable power sources, Applied Energy 149 (2015) 354-366.
[10] S. M. Safdarnejad, J. D. Hedengren, N. R. Lewis, E. L. Haseltine, Initialization strategies for optimization of dynamic systems, Computers & Chemical Engineering 78 (2015) 39-50..
[11] S. M. Safdarnejad, J. D. Hedengren, L. L. Baxter, Effect of Cryogenic Carbon Capture (CCC) on Smart Power Grids, Proceedings of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Austin, TX, 2015.
[12] http://www.enernoc.com/our-resources/term-pages/what-is-demand-side-man….
[13] Clean Power Plan enforced by EPA, Article 2013-28668, https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/
[14] Clean Power Plan enforced by EPA, http://www2.epa.gov/carbon-pollution-standards/fact-sheet-clean-power-p…